Imagine it: the glorious color and fragrance of a garden in bloom, brought indoors. Paperwhites at Thanksgiving. Crocus, amaryllis, and tulips for the holidays. Great vases of flowing forsythia filling rooms with spring---in the dead of February. It's all the magic of forcing bulbs, branches, and blossoms, and here's the book that shows how. Written by award-winning author Katherine Whiteside and drawing on the plant- and bulb-purveying expertise...
Katherine Whiteside makes forcing look really fun and easy, and it turns out it is! This book inspired me to try all sorts of things I've only seen in pictures. Her ideas are simple and wonderful and the way she writes is so down to earth that you feel confident that you can do it! Get it, try it. You'll really enjoy it. (It makes a really nice coffee table book too!)
Expert gardening advice blends with floral styling techniques as Katherine Whtieside offers an introduction to the finer art of forcing bulbs, branches, and other flowers in Forcing, Etc. Plant features include the most common flowers which are grown through forcing, offering tips for plant pairing and arranging. With Richard Felber's lush photos throughout, Forcing, Etc. makes an exceptional visual display in addition to...