In this Powerful and Riveting book, "It's Called Freedom" the author Raul Cantu goes where few authors dare to go; to the origins of racism and how it's still alive in thriving in today's society. He shows us how we have gotten to this point in life and more importantly, how we can ultimately end racism completely.
In America alone, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., John F Kennedy, and even the great musician John Lennon who dared to dream of all of humanity living as one; were just a few of the chosen ones that were killed by racist men who did not want to see freedom flourish. They did not want this positive state of mind, known as freedom to expand to the masses, so they destroyed the messenger, but the message lives on It's because we are connected to a global human consciousness that cannot die, it is collected and available for each new generation that comes.
We all know collectively that slavery was wrong; but we also know that just because we have come to our senses and abolished it, that racism no longer exist. It does exist and thrives all over the world. It's there, it just shifts from this group of people to another set of people and while we were getting closer to the ultimate freedom; in 2016 we had a slight derail and in that process of trying to "Make America Great Again", we lost our way and became divided more than ever
Ultimately, we are trying to reach the greatest intention of the universe, and that is to be totally free, so that we can expand love and consciousness. That is the ultimate vision that I call the Auspicious Vision. It's a vision of freedom for all; but we cannot get there yet, because we are full of ego, pride and sadly, we're blinded by the imaginary boundaries in our mind. That is the real cause of all war, racism and oppression, as you will learn in this literature.
In this book, you will discover that the divinity is not out there in some unknown place, but rather, it is within you. We have the power to save or destroy this beautiful planet. In these pages lies the keys to peace, happiness, and prosperity on both a personal and world-wide level. Join us now, on the greatest journey that one can take in their lifetime; a journey that will ultimately set us free. This is the real Awakening and this is how we overcome racism
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