This book is a collection of posts that Catrin shared onto social media whilst being treated for a blood cancer together with other life threatening illnesses. Catrin was in hospital in London from July 2020 for nearly 3 months. She shares thoughts, insights, experiences and things she's learnt particularly since she was diagnosed with cancer. People have found her writing inspirational and helpful especially during this time of fear and uncertainty.
Proceeds from the sale of the book will go to Hello Beautiful Foundation @hbcanceruk, a cancer prevention charity set up by Jane Hutchison and Kevin Helton. It's a charity that explores the issues that arise when we or our loved ones are faced with cancer. Their support was invaluable whilst I was in hospital, in isolation and seriously unwell. Kevin would cycle over to the hospital every day bringing the most delicious, nourishing, food that they'd prepared so carefully. He'd leave it with security on the ground floor who'd then bring it up to the ward for me. They did this for nearly 3 months which undoubtedly played a huge part in my healing. I would like to help them in order for them to be able to continue to help others particularly during this time of isolation.