"Riveting and transformative...evocative and immersive...by turns vibrant and bold and wise...discovering Dorothy's story is a singular pleasure."--New York Times (Editors' Choice) A remarkable, sweeping historical novel based on the incredible true-life story of Dorothy Kirwan...
"Riveting and transformative, evocative and immersive...by turns vibrant and bold and wise, discovering Dorothy's story is a singular pleasure."--The New York Times A remarkable, sweeping historical novel based on the incredible true life...
"Riveting and transformative, evocative and immersive...by turns vibrant and bold and wise, discovering Dorothy's story is a singular pleasure."--The New York Times A remarkable, sweeping historical novel based on the incredible true life...
"Richly detailed, vividly depicted, and sweeping in scope, Island Queen is historical fiction at its absolute finest. A stunning must-read!"--Chanel Cleeton, New York Times bestselling author of The Most Beautiful Girl in Cuba A remarkable, sweeping historical novel...
"Richly detailed, vividly depicted, and sweeping in scope, Island Queen is historical fiction at its absolute finest. A stunning must-read!"--Chanel Cleeton, New York Times bestselling author of The Most Beautiful Girl in Cuba A remarkable, sweeping historical novel...
"Richly detailed, vividly depicted, and sweeping in scope, Island Queen is historical fiction at its absolute finest. A stunning must-read!"--Chanel Cleeton, New York Times bestselling author of The Most Beautiful Girl in Cuba A remarkable, sweeping historical novel...
"Richly detailed, vividly depicted, and sweeping in scope, Island Queen is historical fiction at its absolute finest. A stunning must-read!"--Chanel Cleeton, New York Times bestselling author of The Most Beautiful Girl in Cuba A remarkable, sweeping historical novel...