Read the enchanting books that inspired the new animated series Isadora Moon is half-fairy, half-vampire, and totally unique Isadora Moon loves sunshine--and nighttime. She loves her magic wand--and her black tutu. She loves spooky bats--and Pink Rabbit...
Mitad hada, mitad vampiro y totalmente ?nica! Disfruta de la lectura con las aventuras de Isadora Moon, un personaje s?per especial. Isadora Moon es especial porque es diferente. Su mam? es un hada, su pap? un vampiro y ella tiene un...
Meet Isadora Moon She's half-fairy, half-vampire and totally unique Isadora Moon loves sunshine -- and nighttime. She loves her magic wand -- and her black tutu. She loves spooky bats -- and Pink Rabbit. Isadora is half-fairy, half-vampire, and she's special...
Mitad hada, mitad vampiro y totalmente nica Bienvenidos al castillo encantado Isadora Moon es especial porque es diferente. Su mam es un hada, su pap un vampiro y ella tiene un poquito de los dos. El d a en que la clase de Isadora sale de excursi...
Meet Isadora Moon She's half-fairy, half-vampire and totally unique Isadora Moon loves sunshine -- and nighttime. She loves her magic wand -- and her black tutu. She loves spooky bats -- and Pink Rabbit. Isadora is half-fairy, half-vampire, and she's special...