In rural Norway, one evening after school, 11-year-old Siss and Unn strike up a deep and unusual bond. When the next day Unn sets off into the wintry woods in search of a mysterious frozen waterfall, known locally as the "ice palace," and does not return, a devastated Siss takes...
In rural Norway, one evening after school, 11-year-old Siss and Unn strike up a deep and unusual bond. When the next day Unn sets off into the wintry woods in search of a mysterious frozen waterfall, known locally as the "ice palace," and does not return, a devastated Siss takes...
This hauntingly beautiful novel deals in utmost simplicity of language and narrative with the paramount themes of most great literature: love, death, and the maturing of the individual. Two eleven-year-old girls, Siss and Unn, are separated at the very beginning of their friendship...