NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - In the epic next chapter of the Red Rising Saga, the #1 bestselling author of Morning Star pushes the boundaries of one of the boldest series in fiction. "Mature science fiction existing within the frame of blazing space...
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - In the epic next chapter of the Red Rising Saga, the #1 bestselling author of Morning Star pushes the boundaries of one of the boldest series in fiction. "Mature science fiction existing within the frame of blazing space...
Darrow was born a slave, but he became a weapon. He put an end to centuries of gold rule and became a powerful hero to the republic. Now he will have to risk everything that he has fought for in one last, desperate mission. His destiny intertwines with others. A young red woman...
Darrow naci esclavo, pero se convirti en un arma. Acab con siglos de gobierno dorado y se convirti en el h roe de una rep blica nueva y poderosa. Ahora deber arriesgar todo por lo que ha luchado en una ltima misi n desesperada. Pero nuevos destinos se entrelazar n con...
Darrow naci esclavo, pero se convirti en un arma. Acab con siglos de gobierno dorado y se convirti en el h roe de una rep blica nueva y poderosa. Ahora deber arriesgar todo por lo que ha luchado en una ltima misi n desesperada. Pero nuevos destinos se entrelazar n con...