"Irishman dies from stubbornness, whiskey." So began Christopher Clifford Connors's obituary of a life that included hunting bears in Russia, inventing limo surfing, surviving a shipwreck, and training with Navy SEALs-for starters. At the end of 2016, Connors's story captivated the world when the exploits of his sixty-seven years went viral.
Irishman Dies from Stubbornness tells the story of a complex man from the multiple perspectives of people who knew him, especially his daughter Caitlin, whose complicated connection to him drew her close again during his last years.
Loss comes to us all. What will we do with our time here, and how should we honor those who pass? Irishman Dies from Stubbornness testifies to the power of the moments that live on in the hearts of those who love us long after we are gone.