Fuzzy Logic is an analytical tool used in the modeling of those phenomena that fall outside the scope of exact sciences. It is used in the analysis of complex and highly nonlinear processes, where mathematical models or standard classic logic cannot define conditions inherent to such processes, e.g. human thinking.
Kurt Peray's detailed analysis of the new approaches and techniques for Risk Control and Portfolio Asset Allocation - which uses the principles of Fuzzy Logic - helps you to make decisions as to when to buy, hold or sell. While making independent and educated decisions, you will be able to hedge your portfolio from the volatile forces in the market, and will offset the erosive impact of inflation and taxation.
In this electronic age, investors have quick access to important information relevant to the decision process. The guidelines and formulas that serve as foundations to the Fuzzy Logic approach gives you the ability to build customized programs.
Investing in Mutual Funds Using Fuzzy Logic is for the individual who wants to invest in financial instruments that will provide a return for growth. With the investment approach he devised, Peray guides the you towards achieving your investment goals.