Investigating Computer Crime presents practical methods for gathering electronic evidence and dealing with crimes involving computers. Based on material gathered from hundreds of investigators all over the world, it contains an incredible amount of practical, directly applicable information. It follows a step-by-step approach to the investigation, seizure, and evaluation of computer evidence. The material in the book has been used at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center and the Canadian Police College for teaching computer classes in white collar crime and sex crime investigations and by U.S. Army Intelligence in cooperation with NATO in Europe. It has also been used to teach a one-week course in computer crime investigation to agents from the IRS, Secret Service, and state and local agencies.
Computers reach into every aspect of our lives today, and as their use grows, so does the possibility of their abuse. This book is directly applicable and useful to virtually everyone working in all aspects of law enforcement. From attorneys to police investigators, from judges to students of criminology, this book guides you step-by-step through computer crime investigation. Don't be without this powerful tool for fighting this new form of crime.