Do you want to get your business off the ground and find investors, but fear that your ideas, technology, methods, or inventions are not protected enough to share? Do you think that others will take your ideas and become quick competitors? Is there a way to fast-track your protection to begin finding investors for your startup? The invention you are hiding could be the next innovation that helps to save the environment or solves big issues around the world, so you deserve to avoid weeding through dense legal documents.
Author and IP attorney Cynthia Lombardo knows the importance of protecting technology in order to begin a business journey. In Invention Protection Strategies, she will teach you:
- How to protect your IP
- How to easily and efficiently navigate IP law
- How to analyze the viability of your patent idea
- How to present the novelty of your invention to stand out from the crowd
- Which type of IP protection you need
- What aspects of your technology are most impactful for your vision
- When to act so you can best prevent your innovations from being stolen
If you are ready to feel the freedom of sharing your innovative ideas, find investors, and launch your tech company, pick up Invention Protection Strategies today
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