Emphasizes the importance of relating to others Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others emphasizes the importance of communication confidence in a variety of interpersonal relationships and interpersonal contexts. The text offers exceptional coverage of cultural diversity...
For courses in Interpersonal Communication Emphasize the importance of relating to others Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others provides a clear overview of interpersonal communication theory and principles balanced with practical suggestions on how readers can apply...
This print textbook is available for students to rent for their classes. The Pearson print rental program provides students with affordable access to learning materials, so they come to class ready to succeed.
For courses in Interpersonal Communication...
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For courses in Interpersonal Communication Emphasize the importance of relating to others
Revel(TM) Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others provides a clear overview of interpersonal communication theory and principles balanced with practical...
Custom 5th edition for Robert Morris College. PB-424 pages.