If You Want to Lose Weight Quickly and Feel Lighter, then Keep Reading
Are you trying a new way of getting healthy and losing weight?
Have you tried every traditional diet out there only to find out they're all false promises? If so, maybe the problem isn't what you eat, but rather when you eat it.
Whether you're in the best shape of your life, or you're trying to achieve some health and fitness goals, you've probably done some Google to find the best ways to get your dreams mind and body. And you've likely come across the concept of intermittent fasting in your search.
If you're trying to lose weight, improve your stamina, or just generally feel a bit less sluggish after hiking up to your fourth-floor walk-up, this book may help you get there.
In this book, you will learn:
We just want this dress or our favorite pair of jeans to blend in. We want to go running, jumping and walking without breathlessness. In addition, we want to feel relaxed and safe inside our own bodies.
We want our aging cycle to slow down, feel young and boost our overall health. If you feel this way, then this guide is for you!
The great thing about intermittent fasting is you don't need to give up your favorite meals! As you feed, you will learn how to adapt, and you don't have to adapt what you feed.
Are you ready to take control of your wellbeing and leave the diet roller coaster for good?
Are you ready to start a new healthy way of life?
If the answer to these questions is Yes, then this book is for You!