Usually, slimming diets are restrictive, require a lot of time and attention, and make you feel hungry, thus becoming difficult to follow. However, for medical reasons or simply to feel more confident about yourself and appreciate yourself, you have probably undertaken diets in the past and have not yet managed to achieve your goals. You think that you must have something wrong and that you will have to resign yourself to not being able to improve your physical shape and the way you feel.
✔ But there is a solution for you
You have certainly heard of intermittent fasting, the results it has brought to so many people in weight loss and the benefits they have had in their health. This is demonstrated by scientific data and is not a trend of recent years, but fasting has been practiced by humans since ancient times.
With this book, I want to provide you with a complete step-by-step guide on all aspects of intermittent fasting. Specifically, I will dig deep into the 16/8 method, which is the simplest and safest for those who are planning to fast for the first time and is therefore perfect for beginners. You will find that your body can become a fat-burning machine if you follow the right instructions and that intermittent fasting will give you the change you have always wanted.
Here are some of the many concepts you will discover
Why intermittent fasting is a way of life and is therefore different from the usual diets
What is the 16/8 method and the guidelines to follow it
The benefits that you should expect
How and when to exercise safely while fasting
Answers to many questions that I am sure you have asked yourself about this topic
Proven tips to make the most of it and achieve success
Delicious fat-burning recipes to boost weight loss
And much, much more
Perhaps you are undecided and hesitant because you do not know which program to follow, when and what to eat and drink, if this method is for you, or at what time to fast; but with this book, you will receive all the information you need to start without worries and in the simplest possible way.
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