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LawAfter reading the reviews in this forum it is clear that virtually no one gets the point of "On Bulls!#t." Harry Frankfurt's "On Bulls!#t," which is a popular essay that has been reprinted as this little book, is one, big, brilliant, joke. And that's why it's so darn good. Unfortunately, it seems that most all reviewers, even those who have sung the book's praises, simply don't get the joke. This book is multilayered. It...
Harry G. Frankfurt, the author of this slight but thought provoking book, is a Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Princeton University and a renowned moral philosopher. This is a serious discussion regarding the fact that bull---- occupies such a central role in much of the discourse which occurs in practically all facets of our culture, yet to the author's apparent chagrin this phenomenom "has not aroused much deliberate...
An arrow to the heart, and neither pedantic nor self-righteous. It goes from dry hilarity to concise philosophy in the wink of an eye. Wonderfully free of scholasticism and self-indulgence, and you can read and comprehend it (initially) in an hour. The self discipline and rewriting keeps it from being a clumsy 300 page waddle through redundant erudition. Best read in maybe 25 years.
I got this book after seeing Prof. Frankfurt on the Daily Show with John Stewart. Having a bachelors degree in philosophy I was intrigued. Here are some of my observations: 1) This book is not traditionally funny. If you are looking for a joke book get one, this is a work of philosophy and as such has a degree of intellectual humor. Some of the observations and comments are funny but overall this is not a joke book, rather...