We are living in an unprecedented era right now. We are filled with abundance, given more than ever and yet... people are always stressed out with work and always have "not enough time".
What if...
Time is an illusion? Wait. It's true, isn't it? Time is indeed an illusion. Time is nothing but emotions. Who cares about the 24 hours or the 86,400 seconds? It's what we feel about the time that is passing by us that matters.
Instant Mindfulness is a series of habits that could help you transform your life, achieve inner peace and live in the present moment. Afterall, life is what we make of it isn't it? It's our mind and habits that creates this illusionary thing called "life".
"Your mind is a powerful things. When you filter it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change" - Buddha
You can have, be, do and get what you want in life if you have the courage to seek for it. Everybody has the same 24 hours. The 1% invest it to learn and the 99% spend it on dumb things. If you're unhappy, unfulfilled and unsatisfied, STOP. Stop and take a moment to have that mental stillness, to have that peacefulness which you deserve.
Scroll Up Now To Get >>>> Instant Mindfulness: 27 Habits to Transform Your Life, Achieve Inner Peace, and Live in the Present Moment
Charlie Munger, the vice president of Berkshire Hathaway, wisely said: "To get what you want, you have to deserve what you want". What's your deserving factor? How much of your time are you reading and putting in the work to deserve what you want?
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