I wish I had let myself be happier is one of the regrets people have before they die. Happiness is ranked number one of what people want more in life, although how to find it seems to be the million dollar question. We're living in a time of material abundance, while many of us still suffer. On top of that, social media has anchored itself in our lives, creating an extra obstacle for obtaining the big H and so the quest continues. The number of 'likes' we receive on social media often determines how we feel about ourselves and could potentially lead to an increase in feelings of depression, poor body-image and loneliness. The answer isn't to blame social media, as we are then still focused on the outside. The key is to look within.
So are you ready to transform your life?
Because if you are, then this book is for you Let this book be your friend, companion and guide on this journey Home - a place of love, peace and joy - while we let nature be our teacher. And once we live from this place, social media can finally play the role it was meant to play all along.
# This book contains exercises and ideas #
Lore is just like you. Someone looking for happiness, which she found in this moment. She's not an expert in anything, but merely loves to share her experiences. She sometimes takes on the function of a psychologist