Advice on selling and promoting your writing crams the marketplace, yet finding information about a career writer's actual process is a scouring hunt. Inspiration 4 Writers answers
What do writers need to know?Writers crave working methods that they can apply to their own carousels of struggles. The dizzy whirl of writing includes
How to Start WritingIf these seven problems are yours, then Just Start Writing is for you.
Write a Book in a Month Remi Black1,000 words per day. 30 straight days. Finish a 30,000-word novella in one month. Now that's a challenge
Remi Black took the dare to stay disciplined with her writing. How did she succeed? Reliance on the 4 B's in order to avoid the 2 D's of distractions and disruptions.
Be realisticFollow along with Remi's series on her challenge, and pick up 55 lessons that will help all writers and creative artists achieve their project goals.
Enter the Writing Business Edie RoonesWhat is the reality of a writing career? No, not the fantasy. What will the actual day-to-day writing life be?
We create content stories, poems, blogs, any of our writing. That content is our product to sell. As creators of quality products, we have a Writing Business.
Daily writing means coping with the soul-suckers who sap creative energies.A writing space is just as important as the necessary hard and soft skills.Success requires a business plan with goals and strategies to achieve it.Enter the Writing Business offers the reality of the writing career. Avoid the mistakes in actions and expectations, and achieve success with this series of practical lessons.