Herman Kohlsaat was a true insider to the circles of five American presidents: McKinley, Teddy Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson, and Harding. Of those, he was closest to McKinley and Roosevelt.
In his insider's memoir, Kohlsaat shares intimate backroom anecdotes about the machinations and maneuverings of power politics. The real interest of this book is not details of Kohlsaat's life but the details he reveals about his proximity to power.
Though he loved McKinley and was close to Roosevelt, Kohlsaat's greatest role in their presidencies was as a "brutal friend," one who was willing to say what others might not, even at the risk of losing access.
The author never had aspirations for political office or appointments and the presidents asked his advice freely. Like the legendary Ben Bradlee of the Washington Post, Kohlsaat published articles in his paper that were not always met warmly by their presidential subjects.
In this volume, you'll find stories and insights you will not find anywhere else.