This volume is an update on the use of containment in the pharmaceutical industry and consumer healthcare. It serves to highlight how industrial hygiene acts as a driving force within these industries to reduce the risk of exposure to chemical and physical agents, particularly to powders and dusts, while taking all factors into account. The author emphasizes how this book is not designed to replace other texts on containment; rather, it will serve to show a practical approach of utilizing the technologies within the high-demand industries of pharmaceuticals and consumer healthcare.
Timely coverage of changes in process control technology for the phamaceutical industry, a dynamic area in terms of products and manufacturing processes Provides an update on the unique requirements of these industries and how they differ from others, for example the microelectronics or specialized chemicals industries Draws on the author's vast experience in the field of industrial hygiene and hazardous materials Presents a collection of unique situations in which industrial hygiene was implemented to resolve a variety of scenarios and did not interfere with quality issues Addresses current topics relating to industry evolution such as migration of therapies to higher potency, RiskMAP, new modalities in medicines and treatments, large molecule therapeutics and conjugates