From a powerful new voice in literary fiction comes an intense psychological thriller in the tradition of Donna Tartt, Stewart O'Nan and Patrick McGrath. Set in a wealthy area of New York City, the story begins in 1994, when Luke Nightingale is six and his parents are finalising...
Exciting new literary talent: At just twenty-nine years old, Brian DeLeeuw has worked in publishing in both London and New York City, where he is an editor at the literary magazine "Tin House" . Haunting subject: A dark, compelling story that skirts the edges of the supernatural,...
Now a major motion picture A breathtaking debut of literary suspense about a young boy's struggle against his inner demons--a fight to the death against his secret shadow self. On a chilly November afternoon, six-year-old Luke Nightingale's life...
Now a major motion picture A breathtaking debut of literary suspense about a young boy's struggle against his inner demons--a fight to the death against his secret shadow self. On a chilly November afternoon, six-year-old Luke Nightingale's life changes forever...