There are three rules to corporate time travel:
Do not deviate from the assignment brief.
Do not stop taking the pills.
Do not, under any circumstances, hook up with someone from the past.
Unfortunately, Kong missed the memo. All hell is about to break loose...
Kong is the leading Trans-Temporal Copyright Protection officer, charged with policing the past to protect mega-corporations in the future. After all, without them, the human race would have perished when the world burned. The corporations provide domed cities to live in, clean water and recycled air, farm-fresh food delivered directly to your door, shopping malls, instant credit, and personalized advertising experiences. Sure, some things might have been lost along the way, but what other option is there? The planet's dead, the seeds of its destruction planted too deeply, too far back, for even Kong to rectify. And why bother - it's not like the folk in the past weren't warned about what was happening. They had their chance to save the world over and over again, and they blew it. Then Kong meets Joe, a mysterious tempo-terrorist who claims that the past isn't doomed and the future can be rewritten. Who seems to know more about Kong's life than Kong knows himself. Who lies and tricks and pretends to love him. Now Kong must decide whether to trust Joe and the strange connection they share, and he needs to decide quickly because, for once, time is running out...★ "FD Lee effortlessly blends the DNA of time travel and cyberpunk to create a twisty and original beast of a thriller." - Andrew Wallace
★ "A potent blend of traditional concepts with a twist and modern delivery." - Ian Whates
★ "In The Slip is uniquely Lee. While it shares some classic SF and dystopian fiction tropes with other works, Lee manages to turn these into something wonderful." - BSFA