Henri Nouwen was a spiritual thinker with an unusual capacity to write about the life of Jesus and the love of God in ways that have inspired countless people to trust life more fully. Most widely read among the over 40 books Father Nouwen wrote is In the Name of Jesus. For...
In this treasure of a book, Henri Nouwen presents a powerful vision of leadership for now and for the future. As he looks back at his own life, the author reflects upon the challenges and solutions that are faced by today's Christian leaders. Nouwen questions many of the current...
n Numele lui Isus este mesajul lui Henri Nouwen despre conducerea Creştină, un mesaj ndrăzneţ, cinstit şi care ţi ncălzeşte inima. După părerea lui Nouwen, Creştini trebuie să renunţe la dorinţa lor după...