Lone Wolf.
"It is very apparent that many heartfelt efforts went into this book; the author bares their heart on their sleeve. Thus, we do believe that many reader's hearts will be equally captivated - just as much as ours were." Realistic Poetry International
The Night Watchman.
"The Night Watchman is a relevant collection to current problems. The prose is rebellious but kind-hearted, powerful and fresh. a thought-provoking carousel of dreams, rage and sympathy all at once. If you need proof that poetry is just as vital, if not more vital to literature today than it's ever been, here is proof" Realistic Poetry International.
"Author Kyle Coare is an exquisite Poet and Word Artist that truly knows how to bring words and the world to life through poetry, and this collection of animated poems is more than proof. reader's will experience the rush of each season while traveling through its pages, from summer to winter, to spring to fall, in which we realize just how well life and people mirror the concept and cycle of the seasons and how they change (also how their moods and atmospheres artistically reflect humans and our reactions/patterns), whether it is a season of hot, zealous passion (indicating summer) or a time of painful winter ice-cold (indicating winter), the poems in this book are remarkable stories of the emotive and humanistic characteristics the world around us portray; rebirth (spring); passion (summer); golden dreams (autumn); wastelands of ice ( winter). This book is definitely one of our favorites from the Author. Author Kyle Coare is both an artist and a poet in this collection, creating specially for the heart, mind, body, and soul. Beautiful work." Realistic Poetry International
Headfirst into the storm "This is so much more than a lockdown book, it could easily be a modern day Decameron. With 105 poems about life, mental illness, virus, lockdown, lost love, failed relationships and more than the odd political and social commentary that lays it on the line.