Before embarking on what would become one of the most prominent writing careers in American literature, spanning decades and indelibly shaping the nation's perception of the West, Larry McMurtry knew what it meant to come from Texas. Originally published in 1968, In a Narrow...
Writing with characteristic grace and wit, Larry McMurtry tackles the full spectrum of his favorite themes -- from sex, literature, and cowboys to rodeos, small-town folk, and big-city slickers. First published in 1968, In a Narrow Grave is the classic statement of what it means...
No one is neutral about Texas. It is too big to ignore and too boisterous to leave the rest of us alone. First published in 1968, In a Narrow Grave is the classic statement of what it means to come from Texas. In these essays, McMurtry's fine prose opens a window into the complex...
Writing with characteristic grace and wit, Larry McMurtry tackles the full spectrum of his favorite themes -- from sex, literature, and cowboys to rodeos, small-town folk, and big-city slickers. First published in 1968, In a Narrow Grave is the classic statement of what it means...
Writing with characteristic grace and wit, Larry McMurtry tackles the full spectrum of his favorite themes -- from sex, literature, and cowboys to rodeos, small-town folk, and big-city slickers. First published in 1968, In a Narrow Grave is the classic statement of what it means...