This remarkable collection of stories, first published in 1872, includes Green Tea, The Familiar, Mr. Justice Harbottle, The Room in the Dragon Volant, and Carmilla. The five stories are purported to be cases by Dr. Hesselius, a 'metaphysical' doctor, who is willing to consider...
In a Glass Darkly is a collection of five short stories by Sheridan Le Fanu, first published in 1872, the year before his death. The second and third are revised versions of previously published stories, and the fourth and fifth are long enough to be called novellas.
In a Glass Darkly is a collection of gothic horror stories by the Irish author Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu. The stories, which include "Green Tea," "Mr. Justice Harbottle," and "The Familiar," are known for their suspenseful and atmospheric writing, and explore themes of the supernatural,...
The Rev. Mr. Jennings is tall and thin. He is middle-aged, and dresses with a natty, old-fashioned, high-church precision. He is naturally a little stately, but not at all stiff. His features, without being handsome, are well formed, and their expression extremely kind, but also...
Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu was an Irish writer best known for gothic and mystery novels.
From the predatory same-sex desire in "Carmilla" to the ghostly hallucinations in "Green Tea," the five supernatural stories in In a Glass Darklyreflect a profound and deeply disturbing uncertainty about the nature of humanity. Originally published separately in magazines, the...
This remarkable collection of stories, first published in 1872, includes Green Tea, The Familiar, Mr. Justice Harbottle, The Room in the Dragon Volant, and Carmilla. The five stories are purported to be cases by Dr. Hesselius, a 'metaphysical' doctor, who is willing to consider...
Demons, vengeful spirits, insanity, premature burials, and lesbian vampires, In a Glass Darkly contains five diabolical tales of horror and mystery that will get the heart racing. Each story, including the famous "Green Tea" and "Carmilla," is presented as a case from...
First published in 1872, the year before Sheridan Le Fanu's death. The second and third editions are revised versions of previously published stories and the fourth and fifth are long enough to be called novellas. The title is taken from 1 Corinthians 13:12,...
Demons, vengeful spirits, insanity, premature burials, and lesbian vampires, In a Glass Darkly contains five diabolical tales of horror and mystery that will get the heart racing. Each story, including the famous "Green Tea" and "Carmilla," is presented as a case from...
In a Glass Darkly is a collection of five different tales, presented as selections from the posthumous papers of the occult detective Dr. Martin Hesselius. The title is taken from 1 Corinthians 13:12, a deliberate misquotation of the passage which describes humanity as perceiving...
Though carefully educated in medicine and surgery, I have never practised either. The study of each continues, nevertheless, to interest me profoundly. Neither idleness nor caprice caused my secession from the honourable calling which I had just entered. The cause was a very...
In a Glass Darkly by J. Sheridan le Fanu. In a Glass Darkly is a collection of short stories by Sheridan Le Fanu, first published in 1872, the year before his death. The second and third are revised versions of previously published stories, and the fourth and fifth are long enough...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original...