Brillo, destello, giro. . . Soy una chica valiente
Imani y sus amigas desean vestirse como superhero nas para el Festival de Oto o de la escuela. Pero ella no logra encontrar una superhero na que se le parezca. Podr encontrar un disfraz a tiempo?
Read Woke(TM) Books en espa ol fueron creados en colaboraci n con Cicely Lewis, bibliotecaria de Read Woke, para reflejar la diversidad de nuestro mundo.
Shimmer, sparkle, twirl . . . I am a brave girl
Imani and her friends want to dress as superheroes for their school's Fall Festival. But she can't find a superhero that looks like her. Will she be able to find a costume in time?
Read Woke(TM) Books are created in partnership with Cicely Lewis, the Read Woke librarian, to reflect the diversity of our world. Now in Spanish