Images of Yesterday is a collection of folktales that is guaranteed to open your mind to a realm of unimaginable possibilities.
As each of you engage in the reading of these tales, I implore you to do so with the utmost of care and caution. Believe me my friends, this book will completely entrap you as surely as the fly is ensnared within the spider's web.
With its mystical beings and mysterious happenings, Images of Yesterday takes on a life of its own. It will instantly arouse your curiosity and undeniably enlighten your thirst for the supernatural.
Take the time to read and enjoy these tales. Allow yourself to experience the undeniable exhilaration as the floodgates of your imagination willingly open themselves to these once hidden and or forbidden thoughts and possibilities. Come See and feel the love, hate, pain, anger, laughter and tears that consumes every one of us from time to time.
Travel with me on this amazing odyssey as we allow our minds and spirits to reflect upon that glassy sea of time that mirrors each of our Images of Yesterday.