Mindful Dementia Care is a book of stories and a book of love. It is a book without denial, without any papering over of the challenges that can be involved with being a caregiver, and the sadness, anger and frustration they may bring. It is also a life-changing source of information that can revolutionize relationships with a most vulnerable population.Mindful Dementia Care is a book of stories and love. It is a book without denial, without any papering over of the challenges that can be involved with being a caregiver, and the sadness, anger and frustration they may bring. It is also a life-changing source of information that can revolutionize relationships with among the most vulnerable populations in our midst.
In her decades as a caregiver, Ruth Dennis witnessed the tragic results of the medicalized and institutionalized way of caring for people with dementia. And equally clearly, she saw a better way. Mindful Dementia Care illustrates alternative methods for making a difference and achieving results through care that honors the whole person. They key is creating an environment with countless enriching touchstones to the inner person through facilities that are filled with art, animal companions, music, dance, books, laughter and wholesome food. It is an approach that embraces creative and artistic processes to shape a more loving, spiritual approach for elders and their families.