Illustrations of The Book of Job William Blake Illustrations of the Book of Job Invented and Engraved by William Blake William Blake's Illustrations of the Book of Job primarily refers to a series of twenty-two engraved prints (published...
Illustrations of the Book of Job is a collection of engravings created by the renowned English poet, painter, and printmaker William Blake. The book features a series of 22 intricate and highly detailed engravings that depict scenes from the biblical story of Job. Each engraving...
Illustrations of the Book of Job is a collection of engravings created by the renowned English poet and artist William Blake. The book features a series of 22 plates, each of which depicts a scene from the biblical story of Job. Blake's illustrations are known for their intricate...
""Illustrations of the Book of Job"" is a collection of prints created by the renowned English artist, William Blake. The book features a series of engravings that depict scenes from the biblical story of Job, accompanied by excerpts from the King James Bible. Blake's illustrations...
Illustrations of the Book of Job is a large print edition of the famous work by the English artist and poet, William Blake. The book features a series of engraved illustrations that depict scenes from the biblical story of Job, a wealthy man who suffers a series of misfortunes...
""Illustrations of the Book of Job"" is a collection of 22 engravings created by the renowned English artist and poet William Blake. The engravings depict scenes from the biblical story of Job, a righteous man who suffers immense hardship and loss, but ultimately remains faithful...
William Blake's Illustrations of the Book of Job primarily refers to a series of twenty-two engraved prints (published 1826) by Blake illustrating the biblical Book of Job. It also refers to two earlier sets of watercolours by Blake on the same subject (1806 and 1821). The engraved...
""Illustrations of the Book of Job"" is a collection of 21 engravings created by the famous British poet and artist William Blake. The engravings were inspired by the biblical story of Job, a man who suffers immense loss and misfortune, but maintains his faith in God. Blake's...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely...
- William Blake's engravings of the Book of Job, his last masterpiece of printmaking, based on watercolors he had painted 20 years earlier, reproduced at actual size The Illustrations of the Book of Job were Blake's last masterpiece of printmaking. Commissioned...