Dr. Seuss's classic celebration of youthful imagination The Circus McGurkus The World's Greatest Show On the face of the earth, or wherever you go Young Morris McGurk's has a BIG imagination. He wants to turn the vacant lot behind Sneelock's Store into the Circus McGurkus--the...
Dr. Seuss's classic celebration of youthful imagination The Circus McGurkus The World's Greatest Show On the face of the earth, or wherever you go Young Morris McGurk's has a BIG imagination. He wants to turn the vacant lot behind Sneelock's Store into the Circus McGurkus--the...
?El cl?sico de Dr. Seuss que rinde homenaje a la imaginaci?n ahora disponible en espa?ol y rimado! ?El circo Guirko! - ?El mejor espect?culo del mundo sobre la faz de la tierra o donde quiera que vayas! El joven Morris Guirko tiene una GRAN imaginaci?n. Quiere transformar el...