She belongs to a different world. Struck by a strange illness that confounds human doctors, Neera turns to alien physicians instead. The prognosis? She's not what she always believed herself to be-Earth's atmosphere is slowly killing her. Too broke to afford the...
She belongs to a different world. Struck by a strange illness that confounds human doctors, Neera turns to alien physicians instead. The prognosis? She's not what she always believed herself to be-Earth's atmosphere is slowly killing her...
Elle appartient ? un autre monde. Atteinte d'une ?trange maladie qui d?concerte les m?decins humains, Neera se tourne vers des m?decins aliens. Le pronostic ? Elle n'est pas ce qu'elle a toujours cru ?tre et l'atmosph?re de la Terre la tue ? petit feu. Trop pauvre...
Lei appartiene ad un altro mondo. Colpita da una strana malattia che confonde i medici umani, Neera decide di rivolgersi a quelli alieni. La prognosi? Lei non ? quella che ha sempre creduto di essere: l'atmosfera della Terra la sta lentamente uccidendo. Troppo al...
Sie geh?rt zu einer anderen Welt. Neera wird von einer seltsamen Krankheit heimgesucht, die menschliche ?rzte vor ein R?tsel stellt, daher wendet sie sich an au erirdische Mediziner. Die Diagnose? Sie ist nicht die, f?r die sie sich immer gehalten hat - die Atmosph?re...