Scaly, grumpy, but oh so cuddly... As a third daughter on the farming colony of Meterion, Susan's future prospects aren't too promising. A pretty face, top-notch skills, and hard work mean nothing if your dowry doesn't include fertile lands. With her twenty-fifth...
Escamoso, hosco, pero, tan cari?oso... Como tercera hija en la colonia agr?cola de Meterion, las perspectivas de futuro de Susan no son demasiado prometedoras. Una cara bonita, unas habilidades de primera y el trabajo duro no significan nada si tu dote no incluye...
Scaly, grumpy, but oh so cuddly... As a third daughter on the farming colony of Meterion, Susan's future prospects aren't too promising. A pretty face, top-notch skills, and hard work mean nothing if your dowry doesn't include fertile lands. With her...
Escamoso, mal-humorado, mas t o fofo... Como terceira filha na col nia agr cola de Meterion, as perspectivas futuras de Susan n o s o muito promissoras. Um rosto bonito, grandes habilidades e trabalho duro n o significam nada se o seu dote n o incluir terras f rteis...
Schuppig, m?rrisch, aber ebenso sehr anschmiegsam ... Als dritte Tochter auf der Bauernkolonie Meterion sind Susans Zukunftsaussichten nicht allzu vielversprechend. Ein h?bsches Gesicht, erstklassige F?higkeiten und harte Arbeit bedeuten nichts, wenn die Mitgift...
Squamoso, brontolone, ma cos? coccoloso... Come terza figlia nella colonia agricola di Meterion, le prospettive future di Susan non sono molto promettenti. Un bel visino, abilit? di prim'ordine e duro lavoro non significano nulla se la tua dote non include terre...
?cailleux, grincheux, mais tellement c?lin... En tant que troisi?me fille de la colonie agricole de M?t?rion, les perspectives d'avenir de Suzanne ne sont pas tr?s prometteuses. Un joli visage, des comp?tences de haut niveau et un travail acharn? ne signifient rien...