Why should I choose this Myanmar travel guide instead of another one?
✓ It is cheaper than other travel guidesThis book isn't for you if you don't like texts that are written in the style of a travel blog. Further, the print edition only includes black and white pictures in order to be able to offer the travel guide at a low cost. If this bothers you, you need to look for a different Myanmar travel guide or buy the color version or e-book of I love Myanmar.
Why you can look forward to your Myanmar trip in case you aren't entirely convinced yet
Myanmar is one of the few Asian countries which isn't yet swamped by tourist masses. It can very well be that you see the same ten foreigners everywhere you go because everyone else will be local. Which means that you can enjoy all the truly wonderful and unique sights without hundreds of other tourists staying next to you (except for the sunset from Shwesandaw Pagoda in Bagan). It's charming to see locals wear their traditional dresses just because jeans haven't arrived here yet and not because they wear those clothes to please the tourists. Burmese people love people with white skin and you will be treated like a king or queen and receive smiles wherever you look. Myanmar offers many treasures and now that the government is promoting how tourism is a good thing, it's a great time to visit Myanmar. "I love Myanmar" focuses on the essentials. We show you the must-sees after our tour through the country. Breathtaking views of golden stupas, bustling markets among locals, cheap but delicious food and drinks, and unexpected sights to marvel at. I carefully planned all my trips with ideas from all the good travel guides I could find, so you do not have to spend that money anymore. I also used TripAdvisor and many helpful blogs and recommendations from locals. So, if you want a more personal experience than the usual tourist and have good explanations on how to get the best possible experience in one place, this guide is definitely right for you. More information about other countries can be found on my blog: www.swissmissontour.com As a thank you, if you buy "I love Myanmar" you will receive a free packing list and the highlights of my "I love Thailand" tour guide. I love Myanmar eBook categories:Related Subjects