From the bestselling author of Guess How Much I Love You, Sam McBratney When Little Roo wakes up, he just feels grumpy. His mother tries everything to make him feel better, but nothing she does makes any difference. Until...she finds the perfect...
reSchool-Grade 1 Little Roo is not having a good day, even though Mother Kangaroo does all she can to brighten it. Fuge's endearing illustrations not only fill the pages with exuberance but add humor as well. On almost every spread, a mouse and its duckling friend are pictured...
Une merveilleuse histoire de l'auteur de l'album Devine combien je t'aime. Rou ne s'est pas lev? du bon pied. Il est grognon. Ni les chatouilles, ni les jeux, ni la nourriture ne le font sourire. Dans l'espoir de le faire rire, sa maman descend la colline en faisant des bonds...