A collection of poetry powered by Yannantuono's offbeat sense of humor and whimsical way of looking at the world, with a fair share of deeply reflective pieces, too. The comical tone of the collection is evident in its first poem, "Agita Villagio," about a subpar restaurant where "The fazool tastes like filings, / The pasta like cork, / The pizza's repulsive, / The waiter's a dork." The limericks scattered throughout this collection continue that tenor by poking fun at dog lovers, reincarnation, erectile dysfunction and Rhode Island, among other things.... "Turpin," a poem about...English boxer Randolph Turpin, is arguably the collection' s most profound work, helping make this assemblage of poems much more than witty verse and off-color limericks. Insightful poetry that's indomitably playful.
-Kirkus Reviews