Your accountant, controller, bookkeeper, CFO, or office manager - they oversee your finances, and you trust them implicitly. But can they really be trusted? Are you aware of how easy embezzlement is, and what a devastating impact it can have on your company? Embezzlement isn't just some exotic white-collar crime you hear about on the news or see in a movie, and you don't have to be a financial genius to pull it off. Embezzlers come from all walks of life and all income levels, and they cost businesses billions of dollars each year with their crimes. If you've entrusted your assets to the care of another person, the reality is you could be getting robbed blind right now But you can do something about it. With this indispensable book, expert financial controller Tom Gatto shares the top ten secrets embezzlers use to steal your wealth and the simple steps needed to protect yourself from fiscal disaster. Inside you'll find the knowledge and expertise you need to protect what's yours in clear, concise terms you can understand. Don't keep wondering whether you're being embezzled - find out now, and take control of your financial security.