I Am Free, the title of this book embodies its core message. For anyone who has the misfortune of being embroiled in a toxic love relationship or family relationship, the narratives shared by other survivors can serve as encouragement that escape is possible. None of the writers sugar coated their experiences or the degree of effort that it took to survive, leave and heal from such traumatic relationships.
Time and again, these writers shared that, charmed by their partner, they ignored their inner voices when those early alarm bells rang. Many of these individuals were well-educated, and had successful careers, until... they sank into the quicksand of toxic partnership.
These stories are brutally honest and chronicle the careful grooming process so typical of these kinds of unhealthy and damaging relationships. This makes for a challenging read and it is important that they be read as both a cautionary warning and an illuminating light so that others might escape and or avoid the perils that these stories narrate.
"I'm sure this book will be a powerful guiding light for many people seeking to crawl out of the mire of narcissistic abuse. By providing insight and validation from the stories of other survivors, it will be a powerful force for growth and change in the life of the reader." - Richard Grannon BSc (hons) Author of How To Take Revenge On A Narcissist
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