Are "Christian" and "Witch" contradictory terms?
Not in my mind, and not in this book. If you are reading this, you most likely identify as a Christian (someone whose faith and spirituality focus on Jesus and the Holy Trinity.) You probably also suspect that you may be a Witch, or want to become one.
Wicca is a religion centered on modern paganism, and Wiccans often identify as Witches, but the identity of Witch is not attached to any formal religion. Witches don't worship the devil. Most witches don't believe in a devil. Very few witches associate with demons.
A Witch can worship and be in relationship with any god/goddess, all of them, or none at all. Some Witches deify Nature or the Universe. Some are pagan, and don't recognize a higher power than themselves. And shocker...Some Witches worship Jesus The Christ and the traditional Holy Trinity.
A Witch can also be a man. Straight or Gay.
This is the story of how I came to understand I was born a Witch, and embraced the Christianity I was born into.
Maybe you were born a Witch also and want to understand how to combine that identity with your Christian faith; or feel that becoming a Witch is the best way to live out your Christianity. I hope you'll find some answers or personal truth inside.