The title of the series is "Very Short Introductions," not "Very Short Pedantic Compendiums Written by Arses for Neophyte and Dilettante Consumption Writ Large." A J Ayer's prose is the modicum of brevity and clarity; who better to write a very short introduction than this 'arch-empiricist' of the logical positivist school? Mr. Rogers? Amy Winehouse? T-bag Blair? Donald Rumsfeld? From the sound of the other reviews, the second...
While appreciating the previous reviewers' criticisms which are not without some merit-- I feel that I must rise to Ayer's defense in saying that this book, though small, pushes one to "think" about Hume's philosophy while trying to get a handle on it. Isn't that what introductions are to be about? Ayers introduces a particular aspect of Hume's thought, agrees or disagrees then moves on. Their criticism's, however, do have...