By using some form of brain stimulation, or other kinds of mental activation (entailing electromagnetism, sound waves, focused particle beams, transdermal or intravascular nanobots, microminiature robots or computer components, targeted biotechnological, medicinal or other chemical agents, solar energy or conceivably, even focused, sagely contained strong or weak nuclear forces, gravitational waves, dark energy/matter to intensely pleasurize/de-effortize all learning and working-related processes, and individuals could thereby quickly become well-educated and knowledgeably competent to perform any employment-related activities and thereby earn a valuably high wage/large income. Such methods might also facilitate sexual liberation, freedom from pain/suffering etc.
Everyone could possibly become world famous via the hypothesis that each person is actually an animated or conciousized subatomic particle (attached to a relatively large, complicated body) and then, intermittently, circulating each person-particle throughout the world's entire (voluntarily participating) population.