Men have largely lost their way in modern society. Our culture still prepares boys for manhood that is primarily based on the traditional roles of Hunter/Provider and Warrior/Protector from the Old World. These belief systems and behavior expectations-commonly known as "toxic masculinity"-once effectively protected our communities but are now creating significant problems of their own.
"Toxic masculinity" teaches boys to "Man Up" to be "strong and independent." However, this requires that males neglect the basic human needs of themselves and other community members-causing chronic illness, addiction, mental health issues, and violence. The range of negative impacts for both Self and Community as a direct result of these expectations and belief systems is staggering and growing by the day.
It does not have to be like this!
The problems facing men in modern society are extensive, but the keys to overcoming these obstacles lies within our genetic programming as social beings. All human beings are biologically designed to heal ourselves, to heal each other, and to meet our potential for personal growth in the safety of supportive relationships. The problem lies with the outdated expectations of traditional manhood, which have not yet caught up with the health and wellness needs of men and women alike in modern society.
This book addresses solutions borrowed from research studies across a multidisciplinary approach-from Psychology, Anthropology, Religion and Philosophy-to show how a meaningful community-based lifestyle has always been the answer when it comes to health and wellness. Men must reintegrate this natural balance back into our Humanity to fulfill our sacred obligation as Providers, Protectors and Guardians-servant leaders-of an emerging Global Community.
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