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Are you willing to put in the work?
The good news, you do not have to say goodbye to bread, either. White bread, unfortunately, has to go. Most modern diets will target the bread and carbs first as items destined for the chop. But whole-grain slices of bread are there to enjoy - in moderation, yes, but around enough in the diet to not want, nor need, nor miss it.
Another marvelous revelation that comes with this way of eating is that the variety of foods that you can eat are endless. Your menu can change from week to week and is versatile enough to switch out ingredients for others without hampering the flavors and tastes.
Because the Mediterranean is so diverse, foods from Italy, France, Morocco, Spain, Turkey, and Greece can be explored. There is plenty of room to get creative in the kitchen-and, as all good Mediterranean do, include your family and friends.
Just as the cuisine is varied, so is the list of herbs and spices that you can include when whipping up something delicious. Herbs and spices are a fundamental part of living in the Mediterranean. Many of the herbs are also rich in minerals and nutrients, meaning it would be wise to stock up on them.
In all honesty, simple is the way to go, even when preparing food. Remaining true to your ingredients and keeping them as unrefined as possible are a few fundamentals. We all live busy lives, and it is hard to want to come home and still have to think about a meal - let alone a healthy one - to make for the family and yourself. Cooking in the Mediterranean way is less complex; choosing to keep the produce as close to unrefined as possible.
This book covers:
Typical Mediterranean habitsInsight into the Mediterranean DietMediterranean SnacksMediterranean SidesMediterranean Beef and porkBeverages and saladsSeafood and fishVegetariansSoups and stewDessertsNutritional information per servingBuy it NOW and let your customers get addicted to this amazing book