What matters most to you? Should you focus on earning a living, pursuing your passions, or devoting yourself to the causes that inspire you? The surprising truth is that you don't have to choose-and that you'll find more success if you don't.
That's what this book is all about. This is the How-To book for breaking into your first professional non-profit career. This book will be the beginning of the rest of your life making a difference.
In How to Get Involved in Non-Profit Orgs, Business Binge Publications tells YOU the proven 10-Step Method for landing your first Life-Changing Job. By uncovering what it takes to work in the Non-Profit sector for any organization, you will have a better idea of what you need to do to put yourself in prime position to get interviews, work your way into the community, and make yourself a can't-do-without asset to any not for profits organizations. From discovering what it is that really brings you alive to overcoming the fear and doubt you have about what you bring to the table; No matter what kind of change you're considering, this 10-Step How-To will give you all the information, ideas, and practical tips that can help you get started.
Why this book is for you:
You're ready to make a difference in the world through a trustworthy organization; whether it is a grassroots org or a sustained organization throughout the years, all nonprofit organizations can make a difference.You want to love your work, work for what you love, and have a positive impact on the world-all at the same time.You're inspired by charity: you see humanity or the environment for what it is and you want to do your part.Once you start reading, you will not put this book down. This will be your guiding light to entering the industry and, we promise, it isn't as intimidating as everyone says.
In this book, you will learn:
If you want to get a job with a not for profit organization and get it fast, this is the book you need to read cover to cover.
It's time to start reading. You are READY to start something that MATTERS.