The whole concept of dating and relationship in China (and most Asian countries) is full of drama. The local culture, language, food, customs, and expectations are often far different from what we'd generally experience in the West. Make no mistake, for a typical Joe, it'd often turn out to be a Herculean task to ever date a charming Chinese woman he has been dreaming for long. In most cases, either he'd be a single dude reading books and blogs to figure out what's up in the mainland, or he'd be married (LTRed) to a woman past her peak.
Surprisingly, the women here are rather manipulative. They'd ensure you oblige to their numerous informal terms and conditions -- you'll
need to agree to those conditions even before holding her delicate hands.
However, it all needn't be so complicated. Finding a suitable Chinese woman is all about understanding her mindset in order to seal the deal.
I am Pete. I have lived in China for years and been with a good number of women. I have been through a lot and seen a lot throughout my
memorable China years. Although the dating culture in China is full of social dynamics, finding a real gem in China is indeed possible In this book, I'd share with you some of my tried and tested secrets to truly find the love of your life in China and elsewhere.