Many people are a little bit psychic. But imagine what you could do with highly tuned psychic abilities
When your psychic abilities function at a high level, they enable you to achieve that which seems extraordinary. Great artists, composers, and inventors know this secret. Advanced psychic abilities are a complex faculty involving the use of the whole mind on different planes or frequencies to receive explicit information through clairvoyance, clairaudience, and claircognizance.
How to Develop Advanced Psychic Abilities describes the benefits of developing advanced psychic abilities. It looks at catalysts for spontaneous development of this faculty, as well as methods of stimulating your abilities through diet and detoxification. It discusses meditation, tools, and methods for rapidly advancing your psychic abilities and gives practical advice for living in the day-to-day world with these abilities.
Expand your perceptions and enhance your life
Note from the Author: This is an intermediate book on psychic development. It is intended for people who already have some basic psychic characteristics, for example, empathic traits, and the ability to visualize colors and shapes when they close their eyes.