Revolutionize your work and life by changing the way you think through 11 simple keys to develop better clarity, creativity, and effectiveness by #1 New York Times bestselling author John C. Maxwell.
A Wall Street Journal bestseller, How Successful...
El autor de xitos de ventas del New York Times y de la revista BusinessWeek, John C. Maxwell, revela once aspectos esenciales para pensar como una persona de xito. C MO LAS PERSONAS EXITOSAS PIENSAN Si reuniera a personas exitosas de todos los mbitos de la vida,...
At the heart of John C. Maxwell's brilliant and inspiring book is a simple premise: To do well in life, we must first think well. But can we actually learn new mental habits? Thinking for a Change answers that with a resounding "yes" -- and shows how changing your thinking can...
At the heart of John C. Maxwell's brilliant and inspiring book is a simple premise: To do well in life, we must first think well. But can we actually learn new mental habits? Thinking for a Change answers that with a resounding "yes" -- and shows how changing your thinking can...
Once formas en que las personas altamente exitosas enfrentan la vida y el trabajo En el coraz n de este brillante e inspirador libro por John C. Maxwell, yace una premisa sencilla: Para desempe arse bien en la vida, primero se debe pensar bien. Pero en verdad...
Gather successful people from all walks of life -- what would they have in common? The way they think Now you can think as they do and revolutionize your work and life
A Wall Street Journal bestseller, How Successful People Think is the perfect, compact...
Gather successful people from all walks of life -- what would they have in common? The way they think Now you can think as they do and revolutionize your work and life
A Wall Street Journal bestseller, How Successful People Think is the perfect, compact...
At the heart of John C. Maxwell's brilliant and inspiring book is a simple premise: To do well in life, we must first think well. But can we actually learn new mental habits? Thinking for a Change answers that with a resounding "yes" -- and shows how changing your thinking can...
At the heart of John C. Maxwell's brilliant and inspiring book is a simple premise: To do well in life, we must first think well. But can we actually learn new mental habits? Thinking for a Change answers that with a resounding "yes" -- and shows how changing your thinking can...
At the heart of John C. Maxwell's brilliant and inspiring book is a simple premise: To do well in life, we must first think well. But can we actually learn new mental habits? Thinking for a Change answers that with a resounding "yes" -- and shows how changing your thinking can...