This classic historical romance from New York Times bestselling author Julie Garwood follows a beautiful lady in need of rescue from a knight in shining armor--but gets an alpha warrior instead. In the feuding English court, gentle Lady Madelyne suffered...
In the feuding English court, gentle Lady Madelyne suffered the cruel whims of her ruthless brother, Baron Louddon. Then, in vengeance for a bitter crime, Baron Duncan of Wexton--the Wolf--unleashed his warriors against Louddon's main. Exquisite Madelyne was the prize he catured...but...
This classic historical romance from New York Times bestselling author Julie Garwood follows a beautiful lady in need of rescue from a knight in shining armor--but gets an alpha warrior instead. In the feuding English court, gentle Lady Madelyne suffered...
This classic historical romance from New York Times bestselling author Julie Garwood follows a beautiful lady in need of rescue from a knight in shining armor--but gets an alpha warrior instead. In the feuding English court, gentle Lady Madelyne suffered...
This classic historical romance from New York Times bestselling author Julie Garwood follows a beautiful lady in need of rescue from a knight in shining armor--but gets an alpha warrior instead. In the feuding English court, gentle Lady Madelyne suffered...
This classic historical romance from New York Times bestselling author Julie Garwood follows a beautiful lady in need of rescue from a knight in shining armor--but gets an alpha warrior instead. In the feuding English court, gentle Lady Madelyne suffered...
In the feuding English court, gentle Lady Madelyne suffered the cruel whims of her ruthless brother, Baron Louddon. Then, in vengeance for a bitter crime, Baron Duncan of Wexton - the Wolf - unleashed his warriors against Louddon's main.