"Excellent... A law buff's delight..." -- Mystery Scene Magazine
It's 1994. The murder rate in New York City is sky high, and Dana Hargrove's caseload is soaring. As a top prosecutor in the District Attorney's Office, Dana belongs to an elite cadre on the "homicide chart," a 24/7 rotation of on-call responders to murder scenes.
Dana is also a young mother, juggling the competing demands of career and home. Her next shift on the chart couldn't come at a worse time. Distracted by concerns about the live-in caregiver for her two-year-old, Dana barely survives an exhausting week of battles in the courtroom. A surprise witness of dubious credibility has surfaced, threatening to undermine her airtight case against a reputed gang member, on trial for the murder of a rival. In the midst of it all, Dana pulls graveyard shift on the chart and receives a call in the middle of the night, plunging her into a new murder investigation that hits dangerously close to home.
A tragic crime forges the painful intersection of family and career at the center of Homicide Chart. In a dilemma of heart and conscience, Dana is forced to question every choice she's made about her life and the people she holds most dear.