Wash your hands with soap and running water when hands are visibly dirty. If your hands are not visibily dirty, frequently clean them by using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
From this hand sanitizer recipe guide you will found most effective home making solutions in details to easily make your hand sanitizer at home.
To protect yourself and your family the best option is to stay home and hygiened. Sanitize your Hands its a good practise.
This book contains easy and simple EASY homemade hand sanitizer recipes that detail some easy and accessible ingredients that will help you make the best hand sanitizer for your skin type Stock up on your homemade hand sanitizer, and you won't have to worry about running out again.
⭐ In this Guide, you'll find 75+ easy hand sanitizer recipes to choose.
⭐ How to make an excellent disinfectant based on high alcohol content.
⭐ There's also a variety of all-natural recipes that are perfect for kids.